Wednesday, October 28, 2009


These were custom "Snippet" orders - each is experimental pack is unique and includes all sorts of hand picked (by the Queen!) color coordinated goodies; wool fiber, curls, yarns, silk ribbon, hand dyed silk velvet, fabric, silk hankie and silk rods.

If you'd like to order one (or some!) just e-mail me:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Busy, Busy, Bee

Busy felting - you probably think I'll never get these listed on Etsy (promises, promises) but I have to do things in stages due to time constraints and work responsibilities (computer work must be done in the early morning or evening) and the plan is to list these by this coming weekend.

Rust crewel cuff; fancy button. Machine needle, stitched and wet felted.

Pink flower pin - machine needle and wet felted.

Pretty posy pin - with ruffled top and curls along the bottom.

Yellow rosy cuff with mother-of-peal buckle (doesn't show here).

Sample green bag from my trunk show.

Blue cuff with pink flowers - felt button.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cuff and Samples for Etsy

I've begun making some things for my Etsy store and love the colors in this cuff - the base is a gorgeous blue silk Dupioni with lots of tiny purly curls from my stash machined into the background with vibrant pink flowers on green vines. All it needs now is some hand embroidery and/or beads and a closure to finish it.

Since I love to experiment and have soooo many samples (would take toooo many hours to go through these for my trunk show) so I've decided to sell some of these on Etsy including my red vest - I love it and learned so much from making it but I just can't keep everything. My trunk show (3 containers full) just won't hold any more so I'm going to have to be brutal and send some of it to new homes. Stay tuned.

Gift Bracelet

This bracelet was made for a very special person - my cousin and hero - she's been battling cripling Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was three years old - and she just reached a milestone . . . . . . drumroll - she's 50 today !!!
Congratulations wee cousin, Karen. I love and admire you for your sheer grit and determination. I can't even imagine how you've managed to be so strong after all the years of pain, treatment and surgeries you've been through, Oprah doesn't have a clue of just how much she's missed by not having you on her show for your birthday. You are so giving and cheerful even when you are suffering; a true miracle. You are so loved.

Fall Felted Belt

This is a felt belt, machine needle felted, stitched before being wet felted. Rings were added on one end and it almost has a tapestry look. Parts of it looked like the picture I chose for my postcards to hand out at Houston (this is the back of it) - I'll include one with all of my orders. I couldn't take any more pictures because the samples I took to Houston are traveling to Rhode Island at the moment for a show.
It looks great with a grey sweater over grey jeans - just the right "punch" of Fall color.

Monday, October 19, 2009

15 Minutes of Fame

That's right - 15 minutes! That's precisely how much time you get to do your "Schoolhouse Presentation" in Houston. It wasn't enough that's for sure as there was a lot of interest and many questions about the wet felting process. I could have gone on for hours about my passion! I met the same group of ladies that attended my demonstrations a couple of years ago when my first book was introduced. I wish I had gotten a picture of these ladies - so friendly and all decked out in their creative best - all very talented and I'm flattered that they think I know enough to follow my work. I even met some people that read my Blog! It truly is a small world. Although Martingale hadn't arranged for any demos this time, I managed to get some time at the Babylock booth as my followers (and some new ones too) were desperate to learn more - the folks at Babylock were kind enough to let me use their machine for as long as I needed - luckily I had brought a ton of supplies and some sample fiber packs that were "ripped" open and attacked! This is the only picture of me (I really don't like any pics of myself) but my beautiful and VERY creative firstborn, Andrea, was my helper and model and we got stopped everywhere we went with questions about who made the vests, bags and wraps. We had some great times - fancy dining, shopping, gazing at the amazing creativity of the very talented quiltmakers and even made time to loaf a little - well deserved for Andrea who is a busy Mom who has a husband, two daughters, two dogs, mice and a horse (as well as a very responsible job from home helping kids!) Isn't she great? (also the kindest person you'd ever want to meet)

I'm the luckiest Mom alive to have three such caring and wonderful children who are all doing a great job with their own families!!!

This is one of the booths we were very impressed with - we spent lots of time admiring the setup and the well arranged color groupings of all these fabulous ribbons, buttons and buckles. I spent hours there (as well as some $$$) and had a difficult time not buying more.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

My Finished Felt Belt

I finally finished my silk/wool belt by adding a silver button with deep blue center from my stash - the wool ties that I had originally planned just wouldn't look or feel right on this piece since the wool is sandwiched in between the silk on front and back so it doesn't show - a button seemed much more appropriate and I'll wear it with tailored pants in a soft mocha and cream silk shirt - looks fabulous as it has the most beautiful glorious shades in a silk burnout and has ruched so much during the felting process - it has a little ruffle along the bottom; the back of the belt is a sheer orange irridescent silk. This belt will also add a lot of character to a dress or skirt so I think I'll get a lot of wear from it. It's definitely one of my favorites.

New Felt Belt

This is a felt belt to wear with jeans - I thought it would be a fun surprise for Andrea to wear while we are away :-) As a Mom, I always love giving surprises (as I love getting them too!) - it's a nuno that wraps around and ties in front - I hope she'll like it. Life is so short, I believe in living in the moment and making the most of each one we are given.

Surprise Birthday Gift

I knitted and fulled this bag a couple of years ago and finally added some snazzy lining complete with pockets this past weekend to give to Andrea, our daughter, for an early Birthday gift. We are leaving for Houston on Thursday and I thought this would be a fun and sturdy bag to hold any "goodies" we may find. The lining matches the flowers and I used fusible interfacing to give it more body and I LOVE it - now I'm ready to knit another one.

Tweaking, tweaking, and more tweaking

I've spent more time tweaking the fit on this vest - I did want it loose but fitting more through the waist so I rewet the waist area and worked on it a lot and ended up taking in some darts at the back - what a difference it made and now I'm completely satisfied with the fit.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Red Felt Vest Finished!

This is one of my very favorites. It's loose but fitting and is just what I wanted. The shoulders are wide and create a drop sleeve; it is much longer than it looks here and much more red (again that stark sunlight when I took the pictures); check a few posts back to see the true color. I used every spare piece of felt down to the button which is rolled to mimic the pinwheel design element. There are also ribbons pinwheel flowers on the the pocket flaps. It's very soft/fluid and I used some other trimmed pieces for ruffled pockets and a small peplum in the center back.


This is another instance where I found it impossible to capture a good picture - this belt is made from a most gorgeous piece of silk burnout on one side and orange irridescent silk on the other with wool sandwiched in between - oh the ruching is so gorgeous! At first, I was going to add wool cords for ties but I've since decided to use a simple button instead - I will get another picture and post at some point. It will compliment a simple outfit of light brown pants and cream silk shirt - it is just the right touch and looks really elegant with the delicate ruffle along the edge.

Felt Sampler

I haven't posted recently because I've been busy making felt - but for some reason, I've had the most difficult time capturing good pictures. First it rained and was very dark and dreary, then when I finally got a good day, I think I tried when the lighting was too stark - anyway, you'll get the idea. What I intended was to create a felt to use as a sampler for some of the flowers in my book to show how they can be incorporated into other felt works and now it has been shipped to Houston with all of the other samples - I'll be leaving very soon now! It's actually quite a large felt - about 60 x 36 and later I may decide to cut it up and make another vest. What you don't see is the reddish poppy in the purple wool that ties the other reddish elements in the green piece together.


Can you imagine that I found all of these varieties of mushrooms in one small area of our yard? - I've mentioned before that our house is in a clearing surrounded by tall oaks and last weekend I was amazed at the beauty of these interesting varieties - even though they are probably all very poisonous!!! I did wash my hands thoroughly after picking them. If I had the time, I'm sure they'd make wonderful dyes - but alas, I don't right now although I'd love to experiment.