Friday, March 11, 2011

Our Littlest Guy

Isn't he the sweetest?

Check out those baby blues!

The Most Beautiful Knitting Book

This is by far the most beautiful knitting book I have every seen - I have more time to gather inspiration and is this ever special. You really must look at the Oleana website and watch the movie - it is breathtaking - the scenery, the models, the colorways - oh, what a beautiful treasure!

I'm Sooo Lucky!!!

What a dream of a machine just sitting there waiting for me!!!
"she" is going to work so hard once I get this darned thing off my wrist.

I did manage to stitch a sample of the various stitch lengths on butter soft felt which is what I plan to use it mostly for - what else? felt!

Fulled Short Row Bag

A few weeks ago (before the wrist break) I practiced short rowing on my Bulky knitting machine and used the results for this bag and fulled (felted) it in the washing machine. The lining along with a few curls and a small embellished shibori ribbon tulip adds just the perfect sophisticated touch!

Waiting . . .

Most of you know that our littlest guy, Win, had surgery on his leg a few weeks ago and has a cast from his foot to his thigh - pretty tough for a "just turned two-year old" - Nana (me) thought she'd make a little doll so he wouldn't feel so alone (little did she know when she made this that she would have a cast of her very own to keep him company (grin) - actually at first, I think he was scared of it --and when we skyped - no wonder! the hair now stands straight up on end but I think he is a little more use to it by now and when Win gets his cast off, then "little Win" will get his off too :-)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Broken Wrist and Pittsburgh

Having the Fancy Pin from Needle Felting Magic be the free class project for the Pittsburgh Knitting and Crochet event this year (check out the link to Positive Yarn at the top) was an awsome experience especially shared with my friend Pat who kindly drove "The Embellisher Queen" hahaha, we had more than a few laughs along the way - the pin became the "badge" for the hundreds of ladies who tried their hand at the Embellishers provided by Gloria Horn for the show. The Host, Barbara Grossman, provided a very delicious buffet with a large assortment of fiber and ribbons to suit everyone's taste! I had plenty of help and met the most wonderful ladies. The show was a great success although I had to leave early to go to SC where our little grandson was having surgery on his leg.

A few days after I returned, I slid down some stairs (my fault for rushing) and ended up with a broken wrist in a cast for 5 (yes FIVE) weeks which is not fun for me - (exhausting to get a shower) but it could have been much worse.