Sunday, November 13, 2011

Renewing My (Felting) Spirit

This weekend has been all about playing and doing what I love best - gorgeous weather, listening to wonderful soft music and having my husband bring me treats (isn't he a dear? I'd forget to eat) pulling out a variety of fiber and colors to make cuffs and getting ready to spend time with the family later - what more could you ask for to be happy?

I just love creating these (machine needle and wet felted) and wish I had nothing to do for a whole week. I'm getting ideas together for a class and I wanted something that would be exciting and close to instant gratification for students. They are each very different and have a felt button closure. Some have curls added - everyone loves them including me!

Felted Unveiling

I unveiled the mushroom and rust packages a few weeks ago - I had some 8 mm habotai and some fine silk gauze. The mushroom colors turned out - surprise, surprise - a lovely mushroom shade; I thought the red one would have left a little more color but it didn't. Of course, the rust is dark and it took me a while to figure out what I'd do with them. I decided on a the garment shown here. It isn't finished yet; however, I'm so pleased with the way it is turning out. The top of the garment is felted with the habotai and it took a lot of rolling but what a lovely crinkly effect it has; the bottom is the sheer silk gauze. After felting I decided that the wool will be on the inside. I had a green velvet circle at the top back so that is now on the inside and gives a designer touch I think.

The front and sides have much more texture!

I love how the back turned out - it has a very close crinkled texture.

lovely crinkly habotai

The velvet lavel inside.

This is the felting in process - I used some white, black and some white/beige mix merino.