Wednesday, December 21, 2011


. . . . until January 4 at the same time - Mark didn't know that the radio station is closed for the holidays!


Today, I'll be interviewed by "the one, the only" Mark Lipinski on live radio about my felting passion and my books! I'm very excited but at the same time a little nervous about it since I don't like the sound of my own voice! My time slot is 4:28 - 4:47 p.m. To tune in go to and click on the live button on the right side. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Felt Blessing for Christmas

I'm wishing you good health and good fun with family and friends and let's not forget that Jesus is the Light of the World! Celebrate - what would we do without Him?

I'be been invited to do an interview and a tutorial for the German Felt Magazine "verFilzt Und zugeNaht" (know as FUN for short) and have a deadline at the end of the month so have been working busily away for the past few weeks - I feel very honored (though very rushed :-)

at this time of year with everything else going on but I'm savoring
every moment.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Renewing My (Felting) Spirit

This weekend has been all about playing and doing what I love best - gorgeous weather, listening to wonderful soft music and having my husband bring me treats (isn't he a dear? I'd forget to eat) pulling out a variety of fiber and colors to make cuffs and getting ready to spend time with the family later - what more could you ask for to be happy?

I just love creating these (machine needle and wet felted) and wish I had nothing to do for a whole week. I'm getting ideas together for a class and I wanted something that would be exciting and close to instant gratification for students. They are each very different and have a felt button closure. Some have curls added - everyone loves them including me!

Felted Unveiling

I unveiled the mushroom and rust packages a few weeks ago - I had some 8 mm habotai and some fine silk gauze. The mushroom colors turned out - surprise, surprise - a lovely mushroom shade; I thought the red one would have left a little more color but it didn't. Of course, the rust is dark and it took me a while to figure out what I'd do with them. I decided on a the garment shown here. It isn't finished yet; however, I'm so pleased with the way it is turning out. The top of the garment is felted with the habotai and it took a lot of rolling but what a lovely crinkly effect it has; the bottom is the sheer silk gauze. After felting I decided that the wool will be on the inside. I had a green velvet circle at the top back so that is now on the inside and gives a designer touch I think.

The front and sides have much more texture!

I love how the back turned out - it has a very close crinkled texture.

lovely crinkly habotai

The velvet lavel inside.

This is the felting in process - I used some white, black and some white/beige mix merino.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mushrooms and Rust, Oh My!

After the weeks of rain we had here in Mt. Airy, we had loads of moss and a great variety of mushrooms growing all over the place - these are just a few that I decided to gather and wrap in some silk gauze to see what would happen. Well it is now sitting the same rusty water outside in a brass pot alongside some softly colored silk with bright red rose petals wrapped inside (from my 49th wedding anniversary bouquet from my sweetheart) .

Here are the packages before they are soaked - the white has the mushrooms inside. Poor things are being quite tortured out in the rain, sun and goodness knows what else. I can't wait to "disrobe" them this weekend! I'll be sure to take pictures of the results!

Blackberries, Copper and Rust

Well this was a very interesting experiment; I wanted to do more rust dyeing so I did some reading and found a very interesting article on-line (sorry, don't remember where as I read so much) anyway, I found that if you mix vinegar and salt and add some copper (in my case copper tubing) that any other metal you add after the copper has been sitting in the mix such as screws, paperclips, etc., will turn copper; something to do with the copper ions transferring.

This piece of silk began pink from the blackberry dyeing a few weeks back; the color was just okay nothing exiting - so I soaked it in vinegar, wrapped up some keys and pennies that had been treated in the copper/vinegar mix inside, tied it up and put it in the rusty water for a week or so covering it all with plastic.

I'm just amazed at how gorgeous this is - the pictures do not do it justice at all and capture only small sections of the interesting designs. I am considering listing it on Etsy after I have my fill of gazing at it for a while!

A Whole Lot of Knitting Going On

I made this for Meg's, our 14-year-old granddaughter -- it is a sweater made from machine knitted swatches and samples, serged together with a little crochet and embroidery added.

Meg could be a model and when she tried it on, it fit her perfectly and she looked adorable - but did I get a picture -- NO!!! I'm so annoyed at myself; I was worried that it may not fit because I didn't have a pattern for her size but I guess I remembered from my last "hug."

I knitted several "artsy" scarves on my knitting machine and forgot to take pictures. One was a lovely deep red and I dropped some stitches to allow me to weave a feathery art yarn through the holes for a Birthday gift and another with fabulous curls running through it (A Noro soft mix of greys and seafoam with matching curls that had touches of shrimp; my fav - and it is now in SC).

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Eco Dyeing

I had this gorgeous bouquet of roses in the most glorious colorway so I wanted to savor them and try my hand at eco dyeing. I had some silk pieces on hand (habotai and dupioni) that had been mordanted with Alum a while ago for a class I was taking and that had never been used - I wet the silk; spread the petals (from 2 dozen roses), some leaves and the hips before layering the fabric accordian style. I bundled it up, tied it tightly, put it in a pot of boiling water with a tiny bit of lemon and cherry Koolaid as the fabric was just so white! then I wrapped it with saran wrap and sat out in the heat for a couple of days.

this is it being unwrapped; the habotai took the color better than the dupioni; very subtle and so delicate - I love it!

The other pieces were ho hum so I found (actually my husband found) some really rusted barrel hoops that I wrapped it around after rewetting it- this WAS supposed to be an experiment after all - wrapped it again with saran wrap and left it out in the elements. I loved the black marks made by the rusty hoops.

Still not totally satisfied with the background, I used some blackberries that I'd saved in the freezer - cooked and strained them before wrapping the fabric in rubber bands and re-dyeing - I just love how it turned out. I have rinsed it but I'm going to leave it to cure for a while before I try felting with it.

It is so dull today so the pictures aren't great - you truly can't see the subtle colors and the gorgeous sheen - the dark rust marks are just so neat - I love them! - I had no idea that the rust would turn black. I'm really interested now in pigment dyeing and have been gathering information and learning all I can - that will be my next experiment, I think.


Ann, an internet friend from NC is involved in a special fundraiser for the hospital where her husband works - I've donated this "circles" (one of my favorites) silk and merino vest to their cause for Breast Cancer and I'm sure they have plenty of other goodies too.

Ready to Go!

Silk and wool eyeglass case from Etsy
packed and ready to mail to it's new owner!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Experiments in Felt

Isn't this a fabulous wood block? I couldn't wait to start playing with it. I really didn't have the time to get the dyes out so I opted for fabric paint this time just to see if my idea would work in the short time that I had to play. I wanted to create a nuno prefelt, cut out some holes and felt it onto a bottom piece of habotai. Habotai takes a little more work to felt since the weave is closer than gauze but I think the crinkly effects are well worth the extra work. I know from previous attempts that holes in wool felt do not get smaller as the felting progresses; however, in this case because the prefelt was silk, the holes got much smaller but you can still see a tiny bit of orange peeking through on piece #2. To begin with I stamped a long piece of hand-dyed silk and cut it in two pieces; one I simply felted to see how the stamp design would hold up - on the other, I cut out some holes around the top design and stopped felting just when the fibers held to the silk before adding it to a piece of orange habotai and really felting it well -- I learned that next time, I'll cut the holes much larger if the prefelt is silk if I want more of the under fabric to show through.

I wanted to try adding a habotai nuno prefelt to a piece of silk gauze - trying to perfect this technique before I do a larger piece - I was really pleased at the "crunchy" texture of the habotai.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Felt Eyeglass Case

I love creating felt "fabric" and smaller pieces allow me to complete a project in a weekend - first day to make the fabric, second day to decide how to use it - this piece of fabric was inspired by a lovely piece of hand dyed silk habotai and the size was just right to use for an artistic eyeglass case. The pictures just don't do it's rich deep tones or "puckery" goodness justice!

You can find it in my Etsy store!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Listed on Etsy

Just listed a few new things on Etsy including this Rosy Posy quilted vest - my samples are getting out of hand - waaaay too many things so as much as I don't want to, I'm having to list some things to make room. This short quilted art-to-wear vest is all free motion stitched and it was so much fun to create - the lining is as much fun as the outside.

I've had some questions about the difference in weight between the small bags of Snippets on Etsy and the larger - the small bags are 8+ ounces and the large I weighed was 40+ ounces but please keep in mind it does vary -- build your stash while you can and I'll include a surprise!

Perfectec the green bag handle and now it is balanced perfectly - it is so sturdy and perfect for travel with so many pockets inside.

I posted about these fish before and now they are also listed on Etsy - let me know if you have any questions - I can just see these hanging from fishing line in a corner - they could be outside as well as indoors because they are both hand washable.

The picture of "Goldy" doesn't do her justice - it was so bright and sunny that there is a glare - she is so sweet!