Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MFS - Textured Embellisher Nuno

I've changed the workshop name "Gown Fragments" to "Textured Embellisher Nuno" because in essence that is what it is all about - learning the techniques to creat FABULOUS texture using your needle felting machine and wet felting - in this case the Baby Lock Embellisher.  Baby Lock is once again kindly providing machines for students to use; this time at the MFS in Madison, Wisconsin, July 30 - August 5.  Internationation felters will teach too -- I'm so honored and excited to be part of this event and have the opportunity to meet more of you!  Imagine, you'll be able to felt feathers and dupioni!!! - not easily done with wet felting alone

This past weekend, we had a blast at Judy Gula's Artistic Artifacts in Alexandria, Virginia, and I had the best and most fun students.  My friend Pat Smith, who is my personal cheerleader and the most talented driver yet -  will drive through hail, snow  . . . . . .  anything just so we can felt!  (just kidding but it was really raining cats and dogs)  We made quite the fashion statement wearing our Fabulous Fascinators that, although unplanned, somehow matched our jackets perfectly; we had to remove our hats at one point to protect them from the nasty downpour!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just the Beginning . . . . Jaunty Fascinators for MFS

Some welcome new "friends" came over to play - and they love their new "Fabulous Fascinators" I have plenty of ideas for more to come!  I'm having the time of my life playing around with these.  We'll be making them in Wisconsin at the Midwest Felting Symposium - sign up on their website; only room for 12 students.   My grand-daughters, Meg and Emma wanted one too and each made their own last Sunday afternoon - sorry I didn't get pictures but I'll see if they can send some :-)  very, very fancy and creative - so pretty that I wanted to keep them for myself!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Fabulous Fascinating Fascinators!

Oh I've been having the time of my life (except for yesterday, so sick, better today; I'm thankful).  I've been creating these very fun felt Fascinators using my Baby Lock Embellisher and experimenting with all sorts of things to add as embellishments - fluffs fancies with just a touch of glitter; if you've every wanted to see all you can do with feathers, now is your chance!   Of course, I get to try them all on placed on one side of my head to see where to add another fancy touch, they give me such a "kick," I can't help but grin every time; they make me so happy.  Can't wait to see what the students come up with!

These are so whimsicle and just plain fun - in my mind they go perfectly with the "Gown Fragments."  You can learn to do both at the Midwest Felting Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin at the end of July, beginning of August; for a starter we'll also be doing "Pretty Little Cuffs, and Pretty Little Pockets" - sign up!  there are only 12 spaces for each workshop (Fascinators is a 2-day workshop)

More Gown Fragments

Fragment of a beautiful ball gown; silk dupioni and silk gauze nuno felted; shirred with silk rods added for detail and a sweet curl and tiny ribbon rosette

A sleeve perhaps? conjured up images of a ball in an old Manor home