Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Artistic Arts Fascinator Workshop

I've been absent for too long here and you have probably been wondering what I've been up to - well time has to be well spent and too much computer time takes away from designing time.   My Mom has also been suffering with a fractured vertebrae but she is home now and progressing nicely, and I'm so thankful for that.

What have I been designing? well, I've been invited to teach at the 2013 Maryland Sheep and Wool and so I've been creating a new project just for that; I loved the challenge and I'm so happy with the nuno Blossom wrap I just finished.  Some times it takes a lot of trial and error before I'm pleased with the outcome - that includes dyeing the fabric and coming up with the design . . . .  perhaps I see another book here!  In between, I've also taken some workshops in different venues.  I find it to be very stimulating being with other creative brains - and I have some amazing friends and I'm so grateful to be part of the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild and to be able to take advantage of their workshops.  The latest was with Sherrill Kahn and although I didn't bring home much in the way of finished projects, I now have some useful ideas tucked in the back of my brain for the future. 

On September 30, I'll be teaching my Fascinating Fascinator class at Artistic Artifacts in Alexandria, Virginia - they are called fascinating because truly some of the materials that I've found to use in conjunction with the wool are such so much fun to play with and so easy peasy!  You can match your personality with a very demure or way over the top fascinator - you will be the designer and have something to wear to fiber or other events or have just to admire!