Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A ruffly eye glass case (with one of my buttons) and a black and white ruffled scarf - merino and silk.

A Few Loose Ends

Here are some of the flower pins for the flower dress - I'm doing a ton in the periwinkle and mauves.

This is a belt to which I've added three airy organza flowers to.

This was a pillow I had to take apart to stitch the flowers. It was Embellished a while ago before I knew that the components would pull off if tugged - and that exactly what someone did as it made it's travels around.

Another seamless felted bag - a favorite this time. A silk print felted onto a lovely orange merino; it's going to have a felted button too :-)

Marbelizing class

The piece with the black is my favorite - the pale green and blue come in at a pretty close second. I can't wait until I have more time to try my ideas.

This class was quite a learning experience. Elin Noble is a fabulous teacher and we spent 2 1/2 glorious days just playing with paints and fabric. I got rid of the pieces I didn't like but I love all of these.

Three Bags in Progress

This little fanciful bag started out as a scarf that I just didn't like, but I LOVE it as a bag - I just cut it up and stitched it together again; quite funky and a little dressy, The inside is the palest fulled wool and has a couple of pockets.

This yummy wool felt bag has pieces of clamped and dyed silk embedded in it - I picked up the wool from the MD S&W last year and it wasn't identified. It is very soft (not merino) with lovely bumps and is felted very, very well. I still have to stitch the handles on some of these. The lining is a lovely complimentary vibrant pink hydrangea on cream (with pockets of course).
This quite large seamless, felt bag has pockets inside and some Embellished design/machie embroidery on the flap.


I purchased a button machine from Hope Yoder when I came back from KMIS in Tampa to make some covered buttons. Once I saw Hope's samples, I knew I just had to have one of these machines; it is going to come in so handy for my Embellisher scraps and marbelized fabric (I just took a fabulous marbelizing class from Elin Noble last weekend). Oh my gosh, this machine is such fun, so fast and has very professional results! There is a very small learning curve and then it's "you go girl!" Fast and easy - my kind of tool. I had a ball using it and so did my 10 and 13 year-old granddaughters without any help from Nana Margo (my Mom is Nana Bell). In fact, I had to pry them away from it or they'd have used up all my supplies!

Flower ball gown

This was a rather "slinky" table top very curvy, female shape with a basket/metal base covered in pink velvet that I bought from a Valentine display at HomeGoods to use as a display prop when I go to Arlington, Texas. I want my booth to have a soft "watercolor" feel and am going to make tons of flowers that I will pin all over her skirt (if I ever get them finished). It had some white boa around the top and the waist - that was the first to go. The space is rather small so lots of things will have to go "vertical."

Tuesday, March 02, 2010



You are probably wondering why I've not been posting lately - well, I was invited to be a "Celebrity Speaker" by Marth Pullen at her big event in Arlington, Texas, in May which means an hour long PP presentation. I'll also have a booth there (never done that before) where I'll sell a few felted items and my fiber/snippet packs. There isn't much time to prepare so I've been busy every spare moment coming up with ideas for the booth and doing research. I was very excited when I learned that my friend, Evy Hawkins, http://www.abitofstitch.com/ will be there too. Evy has written a great article for Belle Armoire (there is a link on her site) and so kindly mentioned me! Evy was my host when I taught in SC a few years back and is one of the nicest and most creative people I've met.

I do promise to post a few pictures within the next day or so.