Tuesday, March 02, 2010



You are probably wondering why I've not been posting lately - well, I was invited to be a "Celebrity Speaker" by Marth Pullen at her big event in Arlington, Texas, in May which means an hour long PP presentation. I'll also have a booth there (never done that before) where I'll sell a few felted items and my fiber/snippet packs. There isn't much time to prepare so I've been busy every spare moment coming up with ideas for the booth and doing research. I was very excited when I learned that my friend, Evy Hawkins, http://www.abitofstitch.com/ will be there too. Evy has written a great article for Belle Armoire (there is a link on her site) and so kindly mentioned me! Evy was my host when I taught in SC a few years back and is one of the nicest and most creative people I've met.

I do promise to post a few pictures within the next day or so.

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