Thursday, June 05, 2014

Green FanciFull Vest

Here is another FanciFull vest - so fun to make one or two pieces of felt, cut it/them up and stitch creativly back together - there is so much leeway; you can choose to seam a lot or a little depending on what you want to do; you can make it long or short, add a collar or not, use silk to bind the edges if the organic look isn't really for you.  It is fun and creative just to go along with the flow adding pieces here and there.

This one, however, has absolutely taken me forever to finish because I began it right after I finished six weeks of physical therapy because I very stupidly did something that caused me to fall flat on my back and then just when I was better, somehow I injured something in my ankle and it was so hard to stand for any length of time to layout the design - it wasn't really enjoyable and very frustrating because once I get started, there is nothing I love more than to let the design process take over but I just couldn't think straight . . . then there was travel and I brought my darling mom home here to SC for a week's vacation and she just left last Tuesday.  It is hard to be creative on demand so I just got back into feltmaking late last week and now I'm raring to go with a zillions ideas.  My fiber group is going to have a show/sale in early October, so my goal is to create something towards it each day and to try some new things.