. . . and a couple of test "scrumbles" -- still thinking about what shape will transpire
Here is the confection of tasty yarns selected by Her Majesty from around her Kingdom, near and far, to complement her apricot nuno felted piece - what will transpire? keep tuned to find out . . .
. . . . a close up for your viewing pleasure!
Here is a picture of the apricot "fluff" which has been Embellished and is now a fluid piece of nuno felt jus waiting here for Her Majesty to decide just what to do next!
One more for today while we are on a roll! I have been on a mission this past two weeks collecting yarns, plain and fancy for more scrumbles as I am completely addicted! . . . and THEN I blended various fiber in the same melon and apricot colorway and add tiny touches of pink curls and green silk to create a lovely soft roving -- it is calling out for me to play -- at this point I have no idea whether or not it will be another shawl or a jacket but here is the beginning picture -- yummy, delicious colors.
The Queen is on a roll now - Spring has awakened her "muse" and there all kinds of ideas dancing around under her "crown" -- how to make them materialize is another matter! Perhaps one of those Palace Fairies will help.Several projects underway and are in various stages of completion but I hope you will have as much fun looking at them as I do creating them.Here is a crazy patch pillow top I have been working on -- the next step is to add some beads. I did embroider a flower on my Ellegante and embellished it down, then surrounded it with whatever tickled my fancy - I adore working with silks and roving -- the possibilities are endless.

The Queen has returned! Sorry that Her Majesty's blog had to be put on hold for a while but she has been s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d quite thin lately!!! (if only that were possible!). I'm hoping to get back in the swing now and be able to post more frequently. I've had some requests for a picture of my completed free form crochet/knitting shawl which I combined with a nuno felt technique that I developed after many hours of experimentation (of course that was created using my sweet Embellisher). I'm also including a close up of one area -- the top part is the nuno felting that is mainly in soft blue and aqua hues and then I used surface crochet in order to incorporate some of the other colors used in the knitting/crochet to tie it all together.