HURRAH! My manuscript for my upcoming book "Needle Felting Magic" is finally finished. Although it is a small book meant to tweak the interest and provide some basic information, it will have five projects that are fun and easy to do. If everything goes as planned, it will be introduced in the Fall 2007. I worked on it every spare moment between working so I really didn't have much spare time to post but I promise to do better now. My dear Internet friend, Phyllis, has been very patiently prodding me every so often to get back -- Phyllis, this one's for you!
Remember the October post? I have a basketful of these delicious Caribbean green scrumbles but they are being very stubborn by not "telling" me what to do with them; I needle and wet felted some fabric to match but I've given up pairing the two. Today, I decided to put away the scrumbles and forget about them for a while -- I think I've been working with them too long and need a break to try something new. I decided to make a bag with the fabric and adorn it with some very bright pink felted flowers -- here are the beginning stages and I'll add posts as I progress.
The flowers were created by embellishing thick and thin yarn - roving would work just as well) on to netting (in this case sparkle tulle) When each petal was finished, rather than cut it out, I just gently pulled away the netting and used my Embellisher to needle felt it in place on my felted fabric. I made several of these colorful fantasy flowers and surrounded them with some lovely robin egg blue crimpy curls fluffed out in places. I plan to add some machine stitching -- note the butterfly who doesn't yet have any antennae -- her wings are needle felted too!