I've been felting cottages since early 2003 - I love creating peaceful green scenes with hills sometimes a stream and featuring a wee cottage. I can spend hours adding details with stitching and/or beads. I wasn't so sure how well they would do in the May River Gallery since our town of Bluffton, SC, is surrounded by marshes and rivers, and art reflecting those is very popular; however, happily, the first one I placed ended up selling within a week! It is hard to tell from here but it was quite large before being matted and framed (unfortunately the framed picture has too many reflections) but I was really pleased with how it turned out!
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Ahhh retirement - no set schedule to adhere to, but I have been busy. I have a fun dye studio outside and when it's too hot to be out there, I'm in my studio playing and experimenting.
There is so much to post to keep track of the past months. First of all I had been working on a wall hanging for a special friend that I finally finished - she was really pleased with how it turned out and that made me happy! It is quite large and it is named 'As above, so below' and if you look closely there is a little school of beaded fish following another wee school of smaller fish! There is a beaded/sequined sky with the moon and a swirly ocean.
Besides felting, my new passion is ice dyeing, and what fun it is! You never know what you will get when you open it up - it all depends on how you fold the fabric and that is the trick - there are so many options. It is very much like botanical printing with each project being a surprise! After the initial trial, I decided I loved the serendipity and wanted more! I set out to learn about different folds and their results. I'm interested in dyeing mainly scarves at this point and folding and ironing a long and wide wrap takes quite a bit of time but so far the results have been worth it. Out of the many I've dyed, there is only one that I can truly say isn't quite up to par so guess what? It was a learning experience and will be a do-over with color remover which is quite effective.