Sunday, January 27, 2008

I've been so excited here working on what I call my "flower" series -- these pieces are quite small but I love working with detail. At this point I don't know what the end result will be -- each piece is needle felted using my Embellisher, stitched and then wet felted and I have become completely obsessed! I can't wait to have time to create some more.

Since I can't figure out how to move pictures around, I've decided it's easier just to do separate posts or the pictures get all lumped together and make no sense whatsoever -- I can't even figure out how to "cut" a picture once it is posted. No complaints though. After all this service is free and I appreciate having it available -- blogger has opened up fabulous new connections for like minded people to enjoy. This is the view from my studio windows -- I find it very peaceful and inspiring especially when surrounded by the leafy foliage and lots of flowers during the nice weather. As you can see, we still have patches of snow around although we are expecting upper 40's this week.

Yesterday I had so much fun dyeing. I purchase most of the fiber for "Confections" already dyed but sometimes I get the need for particular colorways and the urge to create! I've also been in the organizing mode -- I have so much "stuff" that every once in a while I have to stop and take note of what I have plenty of and what needs to be replenished (and what needs to go to someone who would make good use and enjoy it! I know that no matter how much I already have, I love getting suprises such as the package of fabulous dyed fabrics that arrived from Stephanie who was my helper in Nashville last summer.
Monday, January 07, 2008

Our very special and talented daughter-in-law, Michele, was the featured artist yesterday at the Muse, a lovely little shop in the heart of Frederick, that carries her wares -- she creates the most gorgeous bags, cards and other whimsical things that reflect her very good taste! This announcement board was sitting just outside the shop -- our son, Ian, very proudly captured this great shot!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

On March 15, 2007, Maryland Sew and Vac in Clinton, Maryland, will sponsor three events for "Her Majesty Margo" (no you won't have to curtsy but enjoying gorgeous materials as much as a Queen is a must -- we can all pretend for a day, can't we?).
Her Majesty's trunk show will be featured (show, tell and "feel") will take place from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Are you an Embellisher owner or potential owner? You are also invited to the first Embellisher Town Hall Meeting from 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. where you'll have an opportunity for discussion with other owners as well as a question and answer session -- where to buy materials, how do I . . . . . (you fill in the blank!) and we'll have the opportunity to just hang out together to share and learn.
Then . . . . from 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. we'll create an Embellished Book Cover using fun materials that will be provided. Bring an art journal or book to be covered. "Needle Felting Magic" book purchase is required for this workshop. The Art Journal cover featured in the book is the one shown here, however, since everything is hand-dyed, it all depends on what is available . . . so although the colorway will differ you can count on it being simply gorgeous -- all hand coordinated by the Queen herself just for this special workshop and your one-of-a-kind journal cover!
For more information contact: http://www.marylandsewvac.com/classes/index.php
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dear friends and visitors -- may you be Blessed with all good things for 2008. I wish you a very Happy New Year!
I've been MIA since before December and I do mean "missing in action" -- what is the action you might ask, well probably not too much different from those of you who need to take the time for the Christmas preparations that make those special memories for your families -- especially the little ones. I love entertaining the family and try making "fairytale" special happenings for the granddchildren as well as the extended family granddchildren particularly during special holidays such as Christmas, Easter and birthdays. Then there are those special gifts to be created. In the middle of all this activity, I've been nuno felting (another obsession) and took a fabulous class on Shibori which I've been doing for a couple of years having taught myself from a book. There is nothing like taking a class from a trained professional to boost the creative spirit and what I hadn't tried before was pre-folding and stitching. Here is an example of a Shibori collar as well as some examples of nuno felting. For some time I've been experimenting with wet/needle felting -- my passion.
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