I really quite don't know where to begin! Since the last post, I've been working on some projects for entries. First, I was invited to enter the Hilton Head Library Garden Club poster contest. I had a piece I'd been working on and off between other things, so I decided that "Early Bird" would be the entry. When I read the criteria, I read that the piece should be a rectangle and my piece was mostly square at that point. I decided that it needed more interest at the top and I wasn't so crazy about the flower either.
It always helps me at least to just keep works in process close by until it usually tells me what it needs. It became clear that it needed more attention at the top and I wanted the flower to look more like a camelia since they are in bloom in coastal SC at this time of year. I also wanted to frame it to give it more of a presence so this is what transpired and I was really pleased with it as it had just the leafy garden effect I was after.

The changes made were mainly to the top portion, adding a felted branch, stitching on some silk velvet leaves, changing the flower, and enhancing the embroidery a bit all around. Then I had to figure out how best to frame it. I really liked this frame for its rustic look but it is a bit heavy and placing it in the center since it had a dip would be a problem, so the answer came in a purchased canvas that was 14", the exact size of the inside square and I covered it with the same shade of green silk. This allowed the garden piece to sit on top and be secured using double-sided sticky tape. I didn't win anything; however, an artist friend fell in love with it so we bartered for one of her gorgeous paintings - a win-win situation! I'm trying to collect original art for friends for what will eventually be a gallery for our small carriage house.