This top took SO much rolling and rubbing but the end result is well worth it - fits my daughter like a glove and she'll wear it to the Friday evening reception in Pittsburgh - still have to do a rolled hem around the scarf to wear with it. The picture doesn't really do justice to the fine silk habotai with the ruffled hem along one side - it's layered although it doesn't show up in the picture. Tiny curls were added to the top portion and I'm planning to add some more fancy touches to the bodice - needed to set it aside for a bit since I've been working with it so much lately.
This ruffled "potato chip" scarf was made to practice short rowing techniques on the knitting machine - I'm completely obsessed with these machines now and want to learn all I can - all I need like everyone else is more time to develop the skill needed to accomplish what I have in mind. It turned out a little skinny so I crocheted along the edge with a very fine and soft mohair to add some width and keep it from being so boring!
The indigo felt has been cut up and made into a vest - and sent off to the Art League of Pittsburgh for the fashion show on February 11 along with the "leafy" vest and the blue "scrumble" wrap posted about some time ago - (I can post another picture for those who are interested - I thought it would fit in well and give some ideas to those who enjoy free form knitting/crochet) - as you can see, the indigo faded quite a bit during felting so I did add touches of orange and some stitching to give it just a little zap of interest as well as a "sparkly" button made with my handy-dandy button machine!
Although I haven't blogged for a while, I've been very busy - before Christmas there was this machine embroidered wreath that was begun a couple of years ago and set aside as it was so time consuming. If you machine embroider, you may know the feeling of dread just in case you get a-l-m-o-s-t finished and something goes wrong so I think that is why I'd put it off. I decided to embroider each design separately (12 in all) and then applique them on to the silk organza square to be used as a topper; this way it can be placed over the tablecloth or used alone with a candle in the center. It really is round although the photograph doesn't show it that way - it turned out so well and was a worthwhile project and a much appreciated gift for the recipient to be brought out year after year along with the memories of the events that take place around it.